
San Marino shipping register

The Republic of San Marino

Located in the Italian peninsula, the Republic of San Marino has a territory of 61km2 and about 33,000 inhabitants. Being founded on 3 September 301 A.D., it is the oldest sovereign State and constitutional Republic in the world.  San Marino is a parliamentary Republic with two Captains Regent (Heads of State) and a Parliament composed of 60 members. The official language is Italian and the currency is Euro. Every year more than 2 million tourists visit San Marino, which has been recognised by UNESCO as an exceptional testimony to the institution of a representative democracy based upon civic autonomy and self-government. San Marino has been the capital city of an independent Republic since the 13th century with unique continuity and no interruptions. The institutional structure and legislative process of the Republic of San Marino are characterised by a “short chain”. The possibility of direct contact with institutional representatives and the willingness to establish “tailor-made” solutions to support proposed projects make San Marino a valuable platform for business activities. Institutional and social stability, rule of law, competitive taxation and low bureaucracy are particularly valuable from a competitive point of view.

San Marino Shipping register

San Marino Civil Aviation and Maritime Authority (CAA Civil Aviation Authority – MNA Maritime Navigation Authority) is a member State of IMO since March 2002. Since 1988, San Marino Authority is also a member State of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialised agency of the United Nations created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world.
Our primary Maritime legislation consists of Law No. 51 (the Maritime Navigation Law) of 16 September 1946 followed by Law No. 164 (establishment of a Maritime Register for pleasure craft) of 30 November 2004 and the consequent decree No. 119 of 8 August 2005 which establishes the rules of pleasure sailing. Others minor Laws and decrees concerning Maritime Navigation were published by the Government until 2010.
Today, thanks to the new Maritime Navigation reform law No. 120 of 2 August 2019, The Republic of San Marino, through its Maritime Authority, confirms its desire to be a protagonist in the commercial shipping segment as well.

  1. The Maritime Authority and its Maritime Registration Service have been developed and structured to become an attractive jurisdiction by offering the following benefits to shipowners and operators:
  2. High levels of Safety and Security procedures
  3. IMO Compliance
  4. Expeditious Service
  5. Value for the Money
  6. Flexibility
  7. Personalised Customer Service
  8. Innovation through

State-of-the-Art technology
SMSR, under an exclusive service level agreement and best practice, is supporting the San Marino Maritime Authority with capital investment, marketing, MNA personnel training, expert advice and IMO regulatory support.
SMSR cooperates with multiple international organisations which can issue the statutory certification.
SMMS is qualified Resident Agent by San Marino Maritime Authority to act on behalf of the Shipowners at San Marino Shipping Register for their ship registration applications. Moreover, SMMS will follow stepwise the process to get straight forward official registration.
SMMS will then support the Shipowner/manager for any further matters with the San Marino Shipping Register.

Our Values:

clarity, loyalty, teamwork and excellence
