Ship registration and Consultancy

Our competencies at your service

Integrated services for ships

Shipmanagers are called to handle ships that have never been so tech and processes well beyond the classic seamanship. With such a strong competition in all areas of the Shipping, every day of navigation you must be ready to face challenges. The great majority cannot choose to have all required competencies in house. SMMS is your outsourcing provider of specific competencies in various areas of the ship management. Solutions at hand.

Flag Registration

SMMS is accredited at San Marino Maritime Authority as Resident Agent to act on behalf of foreign Shipowners to perform the application for the registration of the vessel with San Marino Shipping Register. SMMS follows the process step by step guarantying it is completed flowless and in line with Shipowner objectives. SMMS will remain at full disposal of the Shipowner 24/7 to facilitate any issue could occur with the San Marino Ship Register.

Change of Ownership Assistance

The acquisition of a vessel can be difficult, time-consuming and expensive if not arranged in a complete and systematic way. SMMS, throughout our network of highly qualified professionals, supports engaged parties with technical inspections, inventories, flag change procedures etc. until the process is completed without unforeseen problems.

Vessel assessments

The correct value of a vessel is essential to give sustainability and profitability to the shipowner’s investment. Throughout our network of highly qualified professionals and with proven effective procedures, SMMS will support the Shipowner to take the best-informed decision.


Throughout our network, SMMS will address requests of mortgages for vessels acquisition to the most appropriate partners to obtain sustainable financing clearly and transparently.

Technical assessments

Throughout our network of highly qualified professionals and with proven effective procedures, SMMS will provide the Shipowner with technical assessments, incident and damages assessments, etc.  to support them in case of claims, disputes, etc.

Safety / Security

The Risk assessment of either daily operational tasks and external threats is the necessary pre-requisite to manage and navigate the vessel safely and securely. SMMS supports shipowners and managers by developing Ship Security Plans and Risk Assessment Libraries in compliance with applicable international and local laws and by adopting the best practices recommended by the industry.

Professionalism and punctuality

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